Cena hurtowa
kupno | sprzedaż | |
Guernsey pound |
4.6646 | 4.9897 |
Cena detaliczna
kupno | sprzedaż | |
Guernsey pound |
4.2633 | 5.0049 |
Do you have banknotes presented on the website and want to sell them? please visit our currency exchange point or contact our currency cashier. The Guernsey pound is only a means of payment in Guernsey because the island has been in a currency union with Great Britain since 1921. The Guernsey pound is not an independent currency and is linked to the pound sterling in a 1:1 ratio and the island accepts British money in the same way in How much Guernsey money is accepted in the UK.
The obverse depicts a portrait of Elizabeth I and the Royal Court.
On the reverse you can see the Church of St. Andrew.
The theme is Arms and Saumarez Park
Ships in Gibraltar and portrait of Admiral Lord de Saumarez.
Daniel De Lisle Brock, Bailiff of Guernsey.
The subject is an image of the market square in St Peter Port.